
Tuesday 27 October 2015


09:00-11:00: Joint session of EURASC 2015 and SaferSeas: introductive talks and conference on climate change (room "Méridienne")


09:00-09:45: Welcome speeches by the President of Brest Métropole and by the representatives of the Regional Council of Brittany, of the European Commission, of the representative of the French Government.

Chair: Paul Tréguer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale

09:45-09:50: Welcome by Pascal Olivard, President of the UBO

09:50-09:55: Communication by Jean-Marie Flaud, DGRI/MENESR

09:55-10:02: The EURASC Brest declaration, by Claude Debru, President of EURASC

10:02-10:45: Climate changes on planet Earth: from the past to the present and the future by Jean Jouzel, Vice-president of the International Panel for Climate Change

10:45-11:00: Leonardo da Vinci medal awarded to Jean Jouzel by Claude Debru, President of EURASC


11:00-11:30: break and poster session: the EURASC symposium participants move to the "Petit Théâtre"


11:30-12:30: EURASC 2015: session 1 ("Petit Théâtre")

Chair: Antonio Camacho, University of Valencia

11:30-11:40: Antonio Camacho: presentation of EURASC 2015, Chair

11:40-12:10: Climate challenges for Europe by Andrea Tilche, Head of the Unit Climate Action and Earth Observation, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission

12:10-12: 40:  Climate change and the ocean: perspectives (cf. "Navigating the Future" IV)  by Jan Mees, Chair of the European Marine Board


12:45-14:00: lunch

14:00:14:30: poster session


14:30-15:40: EURASC 2015 session 2 ("Petit Théâtre")


Chair: Paul Tréguer

14:30-15:00:  Is the Atlantic Ocean perturbed by climate change? by Martin Visbeck, Geomar, Kiel, Head of the AtlantOS programme (Horizon 2020)

15:00-15:30: Climate changes impacts on the Arctic Ocean ecosystems  by Paul Wassmann, University of Tromsø, Head of the Arctos Network


15:30-18:00: EURASC 2015 session 3 ("Petit Théâtre")

Chair: Jean-Pierre Gattuso

15:30-16:00: Economic impacts of climate change by Anil Markandya, Basque Center for Climate Change, Spain


16:00-16:20: break, poster session


16:20-16:50: Health impacts of climate change by Sari Kovats, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

16:50-17:20: Climate change impacts on food production  by John R. Porter, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

17:20-17:50: Climate change and international treaties by Michel Colombier, Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales IDDRI, Sciences Po, France




Wednesday 28 October 2015

 Blaise Pascal awards session (room "Commission n°2")


09:00-09:05: Welcome by Pascal Gente , Vice-President of the Université de Bretagne Occidentale

09:05-09:15: Welcome address by Prof. Claude Debru


09:15-09:35: Chemistry Sciences Division

         09:15-09:20: introduction by Professor Pierre Braunstein, Head of Division

         09:20-09:35: Prof. Herbert Roesky (Blaise Pascal Medal in Chemistry Sciences)

         09:35-09:40: questions

09:40-10:05: Earth and Environmental Sciences Division

         09:40-09:50: introduction by Professor Antonio Camacho, Head of Division

         09:50-10:05: Prof. Christos Zerefos (Blaise Pascal Medal in Atmospheric Physics)

         10:05-10:10: questions

         10:10-10:25:Prof. Corinne Le Quéré (Blaise Pascal Medal in Climate Change studies and policies)

         10:25-10:30: questions


10:30-11:00: Break


11:00-11:25: Material Science Division

         11:00-11:05: introduction by Professor Nick Serpone, Head of Division

         11:05-11:20: Prof. Ulrike Diebold (Blaise Pascal Medal in Materials Science)

         11:20-11:25: questions

11:25-11:50: Mathematics Division

         11:25: 11:30: introduction by Professor Benoit Perthame, Head of D.

         11:30-11:45: Prof. Luis Vega (Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics)

         11:45-11:55: questions

11:50-12:15: Physics Division

         11:50-11:55: introduction by Professor Paul Lecoq, Officer of the Scientific Committee

         11:55-12:10: Prof. Manuel Garcia Velarde (Blaise Pascal Medal in Physics)

         12:10-12:15: questions

12:15-12:30: Social Sciences and Humanities Division

         12:15-12:10: introduction by Professor Georges Van Den Abbeele, Officer of the Scientific Committee

         12:10-12:25: Prof. Martin Carrier (Blaise Pascal Medal in Social Sciences and Humanities)

         12:25-12:30: questions

12:30-12:45: photos of the awardees of the Blaise Pascal Medals and academicians


13:00-14:15 lunch


room "Commission 2"


Chair: Claude Debru, President of EURASC

14:15-14:45: awards of the project "Jeunes reporters des Arts, des Sciences et de l’Environnement" organised by Océanopolis and the Rectorat de l'Académie de Rennes


Buses in the direction of  the campuses of the University and of the Technopole Brest-Iroise


14:15-17:30: Visits of research institutes federated within the Europôle Mer, and of faculties of the Université de Bretagne Occidentale


17:30: back at "Le Quartz", end of EURASC 2015

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